Podcaster a multimedia theme for WordPress 4.9+
Supports Audio & Video Playlists!
Podcaster is a clean, flexible and responsive WordPress Theme. It supports native audio and video players as well as oEmbed. Manage your podcast or screencast with Podcaster. The styling is very versatile. Choose between dark and light templates, choose a highlight color, the type of font or custom headers on the front page, blog page and any other custom page templates.
General Features
- Fully responsive theme
- Retina-ready for sharp icons on mobile devices
- Theme options for easy customization
- Parallax scrolling for custom header images
- GDPR compliant
Podcasting Plugins
Optimized for the following podcasting plugins:
- BluBrry PowerPress
- Seriously Simple Podcasting
Front Page
Use the front page to welcome your visitors and let the listen to your your featured podcast entries.
- Let visitors listen to or watch your newest file on the front page
- Upload your own header
- Link to your subscription services
- Display links to your blog
Podcast Archive
Set up your podcast archive to make sure your visitors have quick access to your entries.
- Upload a featured image for your podcast entries and it will be used as a cover within the archive
- Choose how many entries to display per page
Theme Options
- Sticky Header
- Dark/Light template options
- Color palettes
- Typography: choose between sans-serif (Raleway) and serif (Lora)
- Edit your footer text
- Upload your own logo
- Unique header for your blog
- Display galleries as slideshow or grid
Posts & Pages
- Supports all post formats: standard, aside, gallery, image, link, quote, status, video and audio
- Embed media or upload your own files
- Fully supported kitchen sink: aligned images, quotes, headings
- Nested comment system
- Gravatar user images
- Gallery posts fully supported with LightBox(responsive)
- Two widgets for blog posts and for pages
- Four page templates: Full Width, Sidebar Left, Sidebar Right, Archives
- Author archive pages that include contact information as well as social media links
- Optimized for the following plugins:
- Seriously Simple Podcasting
- Disqus
- Contact Form 7
- Made with:
- jQuery
- CSS3
- Bootsrap 3
- Redux Theme Options
- jQuery FlexSlider 2.0
- jQuery Lightbox 2.6
- jQuery Fitvids 1.0
- jQuery Easing 1.2
- Images used in the theme preview are licensed under Public Domain and are not included in the purchase.
- Well documented
- New in version 1.8.4 (3rd June 2019)
- New: Podcaster Media plugin for featured audio & video players (please install plugin)
- Fix: SSP audio player fix
- Minor fix: One menu item for all Podcaster links on dashboard
- Improvement: wp_add_inline_style() added
- Improvement: use strict added
- Improvement: do_shortcode() removed
- Version 1.8.3 (9th May 2019)
- Minor Fix: Audio player width in responsive mode
- Minor Fix: Responsive menu color on front page navigation
- Minor Fix: CSS3 validation
- Version 1.8.2 (23rd April 2019)
- Minor Fix: Sidebar widgets on pages/single view margins and paddings adjusted
- Minor Fix: Accent color and button colors added to sidebar widgets
- Minor Fix: _blank added to social media links (footer.php, navigation.php)
- Version 1.8.1 (11th March 2019)
- New: Golden template added (including demo data and preset)
- New: Dark Video template added (including demo data and preset)
- New: New front page template added that shows hosts, newsletter and donate button and has a load more button.
- Improved: FontAwesome Icons updates
- Fix: PHP 7 fixes on podcastarchive-grid.php, podcastarchive-list.php
- Version 1.8.0 (31st January 2019)
- Minor Fix: Series taxonomy feature (for Seriously Simple Podcasting) fixed
- Version 1.7.9 (16th January 2019)
- Minor Fix: Escaping and sanitizing of text
- Minor Fix: switched from is_plugin_active() to class_exists()
- Fix: Media Archive meta box
- Update: New *.pot file and text domain (podcaster)
- Update: Metaboxes now managed by CMB2 plugin
- Update: Widgets now managed by Podcaster Widgets
- Version 1.7.8 (2nd January 2019)
- Minor Fix: Audio, video, gallery metaboxes in Gutenberg editor
- Minor Fix: Numeric value PHP fix
- Minor Fix: CSS, word-wrap added to blog title
- Minor Fix: Tag escaped in comment list function
- Update: Custom Meta Box to Custom Meta Box 2
- Update: Custom gallery shortcodes
- Version 1.7.7 (13th December 2019)
- Improvement: Meta Data support for Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin added to theme options
- Minor Fix: Email icon in footer fixed
- Version 1.7.6 (26th September 2019)
- Minor Fix: Overlapping Menu Items
- Minor Fix: Front Page Flexbox
- Version 1.7.5 (17th September 2019)
- New: Select responsive grid/list view for the front page
- New: Choose whether to display stretched or regular sized header in standard post format
- Minor Fix: Transparent Navigation color settings
- Minor Fix: Sanitizing of links on the information page
- Minor Fix: Space added to Read more links
- Minor Fix: Front page sidebar margin fixed
- Improvement: Cropped menu items changed
- Improvement: Comment section on pages
- Version 1.7.4 (2nd August 2019)
- Minor Fix: audio/video player (single.php)
- Minor Fix: sanitize_email() added (navigation.php)
- Version 1.7.3 (23rd July 2019)
- Minor Fix: undefined index error (single.php)
- Minor Fix: esc_html() removed (single.php)
- Version 1.7.1 (16th July 2019)
- Minor Fix: Alignment of subscribe buttons on front page
- Minor Fix: Alignment of subscribe buttons on single pages
- Minor Fix: Removal of IE9 support
- Improvement: Audio/Video players framework improved
- Version 1.7 (19th March 2019)
- New: Soundcloud Demo, import data and preset added. Set up your site to use Soundcloud with a few clicks.
- New: Two Podcast Archive Templates added (Grid ∓ List Styles). Create unlimited podcast archive pages you need.
- New: Add subscribe buttons to the new podcast archive pages.
- New: Add indexable text to the front page
- Improvement: Host Info display options
- Minor Fix: media players updated
- Version 1.6.9 (15th December 2019)
- Improvement: Navigation menu can now be made completely transparent
- Improvement: Twitch social media icon added
- Minor Fix: Header & Footer Colors
- Fix: Excerpts on Front Page Header
- Fix: Search Page Error
- Version 1.6.8 (9th November 2019)
- New Feature: Slideshow theme options added: Auto Slide and Slideshow Style
- Update: Second subscribe button will now be displayed on the single post page as well
- Update: Theme option css now handled with Redux Framework. No more dynamic stylesheet.
- Update: Footer text area output switched to do_shortcode(); to add shortcode support
- Update: Child theme implementation updated
- Improvement: Stray hard-coded strings made translateable
- Improvement: New .pot translation file added
- Minor Fix: Logo image always at 100% opacity
- Minor Fix: Logo responsive sizing
- Minor Fix: Widget setup updated
- Fix: Seriously Simple Speakers function error
- Version 1.6.7 (15th July 2019)
- New Feature: Two new front page templates added that support sidebars
- New Feature: New corner options for front page entries and sidebar widgets
- New Feature: New WordPress 4.8 Media widgets support added
- Improvement: Full/truncate title options added for list view on podcast archive pages
- Minor Fix: Logo image always at 100% opacity
- Fix: Https added for Google Fonts
- Version 1.6.6 (11th April 2019)
- Feature: Blubrry Powerpress Custom Feed audio players support added
- Improvement: General theme responsiveness
- Fix: Media archive overlapping images
- Fix: Bluberry PowerPress disable players feature
- Fix: Header image filter
- Version 1.6.5 (14th February 2019)
- Fix: Post views counter
- Fix: Player track rail in respnonsive mode
- Minor fix: Demo data, removed all unnecessary categories
- Feature: Support for Seriously Simple Speakers added
- Version 1.6.4 (24th January 2019)
- Fix: Transparency of audio player on front page
- Fix: Font sizes in responsive mode
- Version 1.6.3 (19th January 2019)
- Fix: Responsive video and audio corrected
- Version 1.6.2 (19th January 2019)
- Fix: Responsive logo issues fixed
- Fix: Responsive drop-down and toggle menu fixed
- Fix: Responsive Google Font sizes fixed
- Fix: Transparent menu issues fixed
- Improved: Revised CSS for all audio and video players
- New: Display full posts on front page
- Version 1.6.1 (29th December 2019)
- Fix: New version (1.4) of Theme Station Podcasting Feed plugin added.
- Improved: Microformats added selectively.
- Improved: Updated screenshots.
- Version 1.6 (18th August 2019)
- Minor fix: the_post_thumbnail_caption() fix -> function name changed to pod_the_post_thumbnail_caption
- Improved: Amount of posts to display on the front page now unlimited
- Version 1.5.9 (5th May 2019)
- Improved: Added theme options for videos and other embedded content
- Improved: Added video support for PowerPress and Seriously Simple Podcasting plugins
- Improved: More social media icons added (RSS, iTunes, Mixcloud, Spotify, Snapchat, Vine)
- Improved: Category setting added to recnt posts widget
- Improved: More typography theme options added
- Improved: More excerpt theme options added
- Improved: “Read More” link on front page header optional
- Minor fix: Author name as heading on author pages fix
- Minor fix: Audio player (in PowerPress) color fix
- Minor fix: Responsive menu color fix
- Minor fix: Parallax scrolling smoothed out
- Minor fix: Envato Market installation error fix
- Version 1.5.8 (24th March 2019)
- Minor fix: PowerPress player links fix
- Minor fix: Gallery color defaults
- Minor fix: Turn off Transparent Screen entirely
- Minor fix: Search box in responsive layout
- Minor fix: Icon conflict with third-party plugin
- Minor fix: Audio player when audio lendth greater than 60 minutes bug
- Version 1.5.7 (12th March 2019)
- New: Envato Market plugin added for theme updates
- New: Gallery color settings for captions
- Improved: Hide featured image in audio single page
- Minor fix: Padding bug in featured header slideshow setting
- Minor fix: Font size on post titles fixed
- Minor fix: Transparent Screen featured header fixed
- Version 1.5.6 (14th February 2019)
- Minor fix : gray transparent screen on single pages
- Minor fix : search drop-down on narrow screens
- Minor fix : logo cut off fix on narrow screens
- Version 1.5.5 (26th January 2019)
- New : Typekit Support added
- New : Soundcloud icon added
- New : Search feature in navigation bar
- Improved : Footer color settings added
- Improved : “Next week” and subscribe buttons can be activated and deactivated separately
- Improved : Tags on single post pages
- Improved : Truncate titles on main page and podcast archive
- Improved : New “From Blog” layout added
- Minor Fix : Responsive video in “From blog section”
- Minor Fix : Undefined variable error
- Version 1.5.4 (16th November 2019)
- Fix : Excerpt output corrected
- Fix : Theme Option Config File (500 Internal Server Error)
- Fix : Minor Fix: Overlapping download link
- Version 1.5.3 (27th October 2019)
- Minor fix: Force Excerpts in blog displaying in single view
- Version 1.5.2 (25th October 2019
- New: Force Excerpts in blog
- Improved: Demo Content improved
- Improved: Default template preset added
- Minor Fix: Irregular scrolling on mobile fixed
- Minor Fix: Hover effects on front page for mobile made clickable
- Minor Fix: Archive button on front page fixed
- Minor Fix: Contact 7 form on mobile fixed
- Version 1.5.1 (25th September 2019)
- Minor fix: Background for audio players on single post pages fixed
- Version 1.5 (22nd September 2019)
- New: Theme Presets added
- New: Social media buttons in the top navigation
- New: Rtl supported
- Improved: New front page header options
- Improved: More color options
- Improved: Featured gallery style can be set individually within post
- Improved: More font options added
- Fix: Download files on playlists fixed
- Fix: Widget class updated
- Version 1.4.9 (12th May 2019)
- New Version of Theme Station Feed Plugin included
- Update: TGM Plugin Activator
- Fix: TGM Plugin Activator ‘No valid header’
- Version 1.4.8 (24th April 2019)
- Minor Fix:
fix - Fix: TGM-Plugin-Activation security update
- Minor Fix:
- Version 1.4.7 (13th April 2019)
- Minor Fix: Custom Metaboxes update
- Version 1.4.6 (9th April 2019)
- New: Video post backgrounds on single page views
- Minor Fix: Footer background color
- Minor Fix: Video post excerpts on front pages
- Version 1.4.5 (15th March 2019)
- New: Responsive Menu options (drop-down or toggle)
- Updates in 1.4.4 (12th March 2019)
- New: Schedule Posts to appear in the “Next time” area
- New: Editible copyright text in the footer
- Fix: Drop-down menu (3rd level, 4th level …)
- Fix: Footer menu color
- Version 1.4.3 (1st March 2019)
- Fix: Size of logo in responsive settings
- Fix: Blog page header when set to transparent navigation
- Fix: Seach page bug
- Version 1.4.2 (18th February 2019)
- New: Customizable text for archive button on the front page
- Fix: Social Media email
- Fix: permalink() on front page
- Version 1.4.1 (9th February 2019)
- Fix: in_array() error
- Fix: the_powerpress_content() error
- Fix: black screen on front page
- Version 1.4.0 (6th February 2019)
- Minor Fix: PowerPress single audio player error
- Version 1.3.9 (5th February 2019)
- Fix: Modify header information bug
- Fix: Color options & dynamic stylesheet
- Version 1.3.8 (4th February 2019)
- New: More color settings, including transparent headers
- New: Display all your podcast posts on one archive page
- Improved: Theme options simplified and streamlined
- Improved: Now compatible with Seriously Simple Podcasting 1.8+
- Improved: Now supports Blubrry Power Press
- Fixed: iPhone loading screen bug
- Fixed: Front page image error
- Version 1.3.7 (6th January 2019)
- New: Manage your avatars in the theme options
- New: Single pages now also change to display sidebars left or right along with the blog
- New: Switch to Envato Toolkit for theme updates
- Minor bug fix: Titles in single view
- Minor bug fix: Source in audio player fix
- Minor bug fix: avatars
- Version 1.3.6 (21st December 2019)
- New: Explicit Posts now marked
- Bug fix: WP 4.1 Player Fix
- Minor bug fix: avatars
- Version 1.3.5 (25th September 2019)
- New: Retina logos now supported
- New: Podcast archive can be displayed as list
- New: Layout options for blog page: sidebar left, sidebar right, full width
- New: Subscribe buttons have been added to the single post pages
- New: Image header on front page can be set by featured image on page
- New: Embed code can now be used in audio and video posts (inculding old SoundCloud player)
- New: Excerpts can now be activated to appear below audio player on the front page
- New: Embed code can now be used in audio and video posts (inculding old SoundCloud player)
- Bug fix: controls.svg deactivated
- Version 1.3.4 (29th August 2019)
- Bug fix: Auto-update bug fixed
- Minor bug fix: Main page gap on player fixed
- Minor bug fix: Buttons on main page aligned properly
- Minor bug fix: Turned off comments on pages do not display message anymore.
- Version 1.3.3 (27th June 2019)
- Podcasting feed has now been moved into seperate plugin. Please read documentation for more information
- New Feature: Automatic Theme Updates
- Version 1.3.2 (18th June 2019)
- Minor Bug Fix: Image post format
- Version 1.3.1 (16th June 2019)
- Minor Fix: Buttons in breakpoints
- Podcasting RSS Feed function can now be found in the Theme Station Podcasting Feed Plugin. Download at http://www.themestation.co
- Version 1.3 (30th April 2019)
- New feature: Audio Playlist Support
- New feature: Video Playlist Support
- New feature: Switch between static excerpts and post excerpts
- New Feature: Switch off/on podcast RSS feed
- Fix: Seriously Simple Podcasting front page support
- Version 1.2 (9th April 2019)
- New feature: iTunes compatible feed added!
- New feature: New loading graphics
- New feature: Language files added
- Bug fix: download button for videos
- Version 1.1 (21st March 2019)
- New feature: Seriously Simple Podcasting Plugin Support added!
- New feature: Social Icons
- Bug fix: oEmbed is now working
- Version 1.01 (21st February 2019)
- minor fix to the front page header image
- Version 1.0 (7th february 2019)
- Initial Release!